Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics FAQs

1. What are the Code of Ethics Enforcement Procedures?

The International Association of Movers’ Code of Ethics Enforcement Procedures provides IAM with the ability to administer reasonable and nonrestrictive sanctions for violations of the Code of Ethics in a fair and impartial manner.

2. What is IAM’s goal when administering the Code of Ethics Enforcement Procedures?

IAM wants to facilitate resolution on all disputes between two members. In the Enforcement Procedures, there are multiple opportunities for the IAM President and the Ethics Council Chairperson to try and mediate a solution so punitive actions are unnecessary. IAM also encourages both parties to maintain communication so they can also find a way to resolve the dispute without further intervention from the IAM Members’ Ethics Council.

3. Who can submit a Code of Ethics complaint?

Any IAM Member Company and/or Individual Member (the “Complainant”) in good standing who believes himself/herself/itself to be aggrieved by any action or omission of an IAM Member Company, IAM Member Companies, and/or Individual Member that violates the IAM Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws or Code of Ethics may file a complaint with IAM (the “Complaint”).

4. How do I submit a Code of Ethics complaint?

An ethics complaint must be submitted in writing to the IAM President at the IAM headquarters and be signed by an officer of the company that is an IAM Member. This complaint shall include all of the relevant contact details for the complainant and shall set forth a contact person in the company for the complaint. The ethics complaint shall also include a concise statement of the complaint, the names of the IAM member(s) allegedly responsible for, causing or whose conduct is otherwise the subject of the complaint including if available any applicable names, addresses and phone numbers of the Adverse Party and all persons related directly to the occurrence. Last, the complaint shall state the relief sought.

5. What steps are involved when IAM adjudicates and ethics complaint?

Upon receipt of an ethics complaint, IAM’s President may dismiss the complaint, choose to mediate a solution or direct it right away to the Ethics Council Chair.If the complaint is accepted and directed to the Ethics Council chair a Review Task Force will be formed consisting of a Chairperson. Investigator and Case Review Panel. The investigator will collect evidence and may attempt mediation between the involved parties. If mediation is unsuccessful by the investigator, evidence will be turned over to the chairperson who may also attempt to mediate the situation. If again mediation is unsuccessful, all evidence will be turned over to the Case Review Panel who will then render a judgement.For a complete breakdown of each of these aspects and time frame of the Review Task Force please view page 3 of the Enforcement Procedures under Review Task Force.

6. What are the different disciplinary actions that can take place?

The Ethics Council can impose the following disciplinary actions:
  • Reprimand
  • Membership Probation
  • Membership Suspension
  • Membership Termination

7. If my complaint is accepted as a legitimate ethics complaint, how long will it take for IAM to review and render a judgment?

The time taken for IAM to review the complaint and render a judgement varies by case.The Enforcement Procedures provide the IAM President and the Ethics Council Chairperson with the option to mediate between the two parties on multiple occasions, which may result in a quick resolution or postpone the final decision if no agreement can be obtained. If no mediation is attempted, the process takes a minimum of three months. This does not include the time it takes if there is an appeal.