- Executive Committee
- Hall of Honor Selection Committee
- Ethics Council
- Leadership Alliance Council
- Core Members Management Board
- IAM-YP Membership Board
- US Domestic Asset-Based (US-DAB) Mover Group
- Budget & Finance Committee
- Government, Congressional, & Regulatory Affairs Committee
- Technology and Communications Committee
- Membership & Programs Committee
- Risk Management & Claims Committee
- Alan F. Wohlstetter Scholarship Fund (AFWSF)
- International Shippers’ Association, Inc.
Executive Committee
Executive Committee
Mission and Scope of Activities:
The Executive Committee shall have general supervision of the business of IAM and shall represent the interests of the entire IAM Membership on all IAM matters. In assisting it to discharge its responsibilities, the Executive Committee shall use the services of the President.
Committee Makeup
The Executive Committee shall consist of the following positions:
Members of the Executive Committee shall hold office until their successors are duly elected and qualified.
The Chair of the Young Professionals (IAM-YP) organization shall be authorized to attend meetings of the Executive Committee as a non-voting representative.
Hall of Honor
Hall of Honor Selection Committee
Mission and Scope of Activities:
The Hall of Honor was established in 2008 to pay tribute to those Industry leaders whose careers reflect exceptional and distinguished service to their companies or the Association, or who have worked to elevate the industry as a whole. Nominations for this distinguished group may be submitted by any IAM member, client or customer. The Hall of Honor Selection Committee is the group that selects the people who are inducted into the Hall of Honor.
Committee Makeup
The Ethics Council is led by a chair and comprised of a balanced group of nine appointed members. The IAM President is one of the nine members. The appointed members shall represent a broad global geographic representation. Committee members are appointed to serve a minimum of three to five years.
Ethics Council
Ethics Council
Mission and Scope of Activities:
The International Association of Movers developed and implemented its Code of Ethics to assist IAM members in understanding the difference between “right” and “wrong,” and applying that understanding to their decisions and dealings with other IAM members and their clients.
At the time the Code of Ethics was implemented, there were no corresponding enforcement procedures or oversight body set up to equip the Association with a system to adjudicate breaches of the Code. On Jan. 1, 2012, IAM instituted enforcement procedures and established a Members Ethics Council to provide a framework through which ethics complaints could be brought before the Association and reviewed by a group of member peers, and judgments could be issued.
Council Makeup
The Ethics Council will be led by a chair and vice chair and consist of eleven at-large positions. The IAM President is also an Ex-Officio member.
Leadership Alliance Council
Leadership Alliance Council
Mission and Scope of Activities:
The IAM Leadership Alliance Program aims to foster a vibrant community of diverse current and emerging leaders. Through thought-provoking discussions on timely issues, the program seeks to educate, inspire, and empower IAM members to reflect on their personal goals and advance into leadership roles at any level with their organizations.
The IAM Leadership Alliance Council is responsible for working with the professional staff to develop education, training, webinars, and networking opportunities for current and aspiring leaders in the membership.
Council Makeup
The Leadership Council will be led by a chair and consist of nine dedicated volunteer members, ensuring a diverse representation that encompasses regional and gender balance.
Core Members Management Board
Core Members Mangement Board
Mission and Scope of Activities:
The objectives and purposes of the Core and Supplier Membership shall be to further the interests of IAM; to maintain high standards and quality of service in the industry; to follow the IAM Code of Ethics when dealing with all members; to disseminate information of general interest and benefit to the Membership; to make available through its committees, the Core Members Management Board (herewith called CMMB), and through its representatives on the Executive Committee of IAM, such information as may be of assistance in their consideration of the problems of this industry.
Board Makeup:
The authority of the Core and Supplier Members shall be vested in the Core Members Representative and the Core Members Management Board (CMMB).
The CMMB shall consist of the following positions:
When a question arises as to the “Region” in which a Country belongs, the matter will be decided by the CMMB after consulting the United Nations Standard Country and Area (Regional) Codes (M49) and other material submitted for consideration.
Only an owner, part owner, officer, or designated employee of a firm which is a Core Member in good standing shall be eligible to serve on the CMMB. Each CMMB member, except for the Core and Supplier Members’ Representative, the Core and Supplier Members’ Representative-at-Large, and the Non-U.S. Core Representatives, shall be appointed by the Core Members Representative, take office on the first day of the month of December following such appointment, and shall serve for one year or until a successor is duly appointed. The President of IAM shall be an ex-officio member of the CMMB, shall have notice of all meetings, and shall have the right to participate in such meetings, but will have no vote.
IAM-YP Management Board
IAM-YP Membership Board
Mission and Scope of Activities:
The objectives and purposes of the Young Professionals (IAM-YP) Membership shall be to further the interests of IAM; to maintain high standards and quality of service in the industry; to follow the IAM Code of Ethics when dealing with all members; to disseminate information of general interest and benefit to the Membership; to make available through its committees, the IAM-YP Members Management Board (herewith called YPMB) and through its representative on the Executive Committee of IAM such information as may be of assistance in their consideration of the issues facing the industry and membership.
Board Makeup:
Only an owner, part owner, officer, or designated employee of a firm, which is a Governing, Core, or Supplier Member in good standing, shall be eligible to serve on the IAM-YP Management Board and shall initially be appointed by the IAM-YP Chair. All IAM-YP Members in good standing are eligible for appointment as Members at Large to the IAM-YP Management Board. Each board member, except for the IAM-YP Chair and the IAM-YP Vice Chair, shall take office on the first day of the month of December following such appointment, and shall serve for one year or until a successor is duly appointed. The President of IAM shall be an ex-officio member of the YPMB, shall have notice of all meetings, and shall have the right to participate in such meetings and will have final approval on votes taken.
US Domestic Asset-Based (US-DAB) Movers Group
US Domestic Asset-Based (US-DAB) Mover Group
Mission and Scope of Activities:
The US Domestic Asset-Based (US-DAB) Mover Group is established under the oversight of the IAM Executive Committee to engage and serve domestic asset-based movers in the United States.
The objectives and purposes of US Domestic Asset-Based (DAB) Mover Group shall be to further the interests of IAM’s asset-based movers; to maintain high standards and quality of service in the industry; to follow the IAM Code of Ethics when dealing with all members; to disseminate information of general interest and benefit to the DAB Mover Group; to make available through its committees, the US-DAB Management Board (herewith called DMB) and such information as may be of assistance in their consideration of the issues facing DAB members.
U.S. DAB Mover Group shall be open to representatives of DAB companies who are IAM Member companies.
Board Makeup:
The DMB shall consist of the DMB Chair, DMB Vice Chair and initially up to 15 Members-at-Large; which may be increased or decreased under the direction of the Chair, subject to the concurrence of the IAM President.
Only an owner, part owner, officer, or designated employee of a DAB Mover, which is a IAM Member in good standing, shall be eligible to serve on the DMB and shall initially be appointed by the DMB Chair. All US-DAB Members in good standing with IAM are eligible for appointment as Members at Large to the DMB. Each board member, except for the DMB Chair and the DMB Vice Chair, shall take office on the first day of the month of December following such appointment, and shall serve for one year or until a successor is duly appointed. The President of IAM shall be an ex-officio member of the DMB, shall have notice of all meetings, and shall have the right to participate in such meetings and will have final approval on votes taken.
Budget & Finance Committee
Budget & Finance Committee
Mission and Scope of Activities:
The Committee is responsible for working with the professional staff in developing and monitoring the annual budget and finance process. They are responsible for periodic review of staff-generated financial statements, budget updates, and other financial plans and activities.
The Committee has oversight responsibility for the Receivable Protection Program (RPP) and works with the professional staff in the periodic review of RPP policies, as well as, makes the final determination on the eventual payout and/or denial of RPP claims
The Committee is responsible for reviewing the results of the Association’s annual fiscal audit and reporting such results directly to the Executive Committee. Their report should include any recommendations from the professional staff and/or the Outside Auditors regarding changes in fiscal or management practices.
This committee's secondary purpose is to review the Association’s investment Policy statement, review asset allocation(s), and suggest performance benchmarks and the like.
Committee Makeup:
The Budget & Finance Committee is comprised of the IAM Chair, who shall serve as Chair of the Committee. Also serving are the Vice Chair and up to two (2) additional members of the Executive Committee and/or Core Members Management Board. Additionally, the Committee Chair may appoint up to no more than two (2) individuals from the general membership who shall each serve for two years, with the ability to be reappointed for additional two-year terms or until such time they resign and/or leave the membership.
Government, Congressional & Regulatory Affairs Committee
Government, Congressional, & Regulatory Affairs Committee
Mission and Scope of Activities:
The Committee is responsible for providing guidance and feedback to the IAM Executive Committee on issues related to the U.S. Government’s moving programs with a particular focus on the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), the Government Services Administration (GSA) and the Department of State (DOS). The Committee will also provide their perspectives on all matters directly related to any government oversight and regulation of the moving industry or on any government matters that may have an indirect effect on the industry.
The Committee will work in coordination with the other IAM Standing Committees that may have oversight of issues related to government and regulatory matters.
The Committee may have a number of standing sub-committees that will fall under their purview, such as the:
The Committee also has the authority to recommend the establishment of any ad-hoc subcommittees and/or working groups to the Executive Committee on an as-needed basis.
Committee Makeup:
The IAM Vice-Chair will act as the Chair of the Government, Congressional & Regulatory Affairs Committee and will appoint a minimum of six (6) committee members from the Governing Membership and three (3) from the Core membership to serve on the Committee. The Committee members shall each serve for two years, with the ability to be reappointed for additional two-year terms or until such time they resign and/or leave the membership.
Technology & Communications Committee
Technology & Communications Committee
Mission and Scope of Activities:
The Committee is responsible for working with the IAM professional staff in the use of technology to improve member services; to consider the impacts and opportunities presented by technology; to collect and disseminate information on technological innovation, which might be applied to the international moving, logistics, and relocation industries; to provide channels of communication for sharing among members and other external industry stakeholders about industry technology; and to work with the IAM Executive Committee toward achieving IAM strategic planning goals as they relate to the use and impact of technology.
The committee’s responsibilities will include but are not limited to the following:
The Technology and Communications Committee shall have at least one subcommittee focused on the Defense Personal Property System (DPS).
Committee Makeup:
The Technology and Communications Committee shall be chaired by a member of the Executive Committee. The Committee Chair may appoint up to nine (9) additional individuals from the general membership. Each member of the committee shall each serve for two years, with the ability to be reappointed for additional two-year terms or until such time they resign and/or leave the membership.
Membership & Programs Committee
Membership & Programs Committee
Mission and Scope of Activities:
The Committee is responsible for working with the professional staff to develop and monitor IAM Membership policy, growth, and programs.
The Committee will be responsible for but not limited to the following activities:
Review the perceived value of the IAM Annual Meeting/Expo and other IAM coordinated and/or sponsored meeting from the perspective of the membership and suggest enhancements to improve this value and experience
Committee Makeup:
The Membership Committee shall be chaired by a member of the Executive Committee. Due to their leadership roles for their respective programs, the Chairs of the IAM-YP and ILN Advisory Board shall serve on this Committee. The Chair may appoint up to seven (7) additional individuals from the general membership. Each member of the committee shall each serve for two years, with the ability to be reappointed for additional two-year terms or until such time they resign and/or leave the membership.
Risk Management & Claims Committee
Risk Management & Claims Committee
Mission and Scope of Activities:
The Committee is responsible for providing guidance and feedback to the IAM Executive Committee on issues related to all aspects of processing claims for loss and damage in the movement of household goods as well as the assessment and reduction of risk for entities involved in the movement of household goods.
The committee’s primary focus will be on the claims process and rules associated with the U.S. Government moving programs, as well as, the reduction and management of all manner of risk across the entire moving sector.
Committee Makeup:
The Committee may consist of a number of standing sub-committees that will fall under its purview, such as but not limited to the:
The Claims & Risk Management Committee shall be chaired by a member of the IAM Executive Committee. The Committee Chair may appoint up to ten (10) additional individuals from the general membership who shall each serve for two years, with the ability to be reappointed for additional two year terms or until such time they resign and/or leave the membership.
Alan F. Wohlstetter Scholarship Fund (AFWSF)
Alan F. Wohlstetter Scholarship Fund (AFWSF)
Mission and Scope of Activities:
The purposes and objectives of this fund shall be the furtherance of education in the areas of transportation, physical distribution, and logistics, and other related fields in the global moving and mobility industry. The Fund shall accomplish this through the award of scholarships to qualified persons either to attend accredited colleges, universities and technical schools or approved industry training programs for the purpose of education in the designated fields.
Board Makeup:
The Board of Directors shall consist of the following officials of the IAM:
Each member of the Board and each officer shall serve until a successor assumes the designated position at IAM. Any appointments or vacancies would be determined by the IAM President in coordination with the Fund President and Secretary/Treasurer. The members of the Board shall elect a President and a Secretary/Treasurer of the Fund, who shall serve a term of two (2) years but is eligible for re-election at the end of that term.
International Shippers' Association, Inc.
International Shippers’ Association, Inc.
Mission and Scope of Activities:
The purposes and objectives of this association shall be: (1) to facilitate the consolidation and distribution of shipments of household goods, unaccompanied baggage, and general commodities for Association members, on a non-profit basis, for the purpose of obtaining rate stability, lower rates and responsive service through service contracts, volume rates, or otherwise, for the benefit of the Association membership; (2) to negotiate service contract and terms of carriage and enter into service contracts with ocean carriers and conferences for the benefit of the Association membership; (3) to negotiate such other transportation rates or contracts which will be of benefit to the Association membership; (4) to act on behalf of Association members to secure, on a non-profit basis, the prompt, economical, and efficient transportation of their shipments; (5) to advise Association members of rates, tariff rules and regulations, available services and other matters relating to the transportation of their shipments; (6) to take such other action as may be proper and lawful in furtherance of the purposes and objectives of the Association.
Board Makeup:
The Board of Directors shall consist of the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and the Member-at-Large. Except as provided in Article VIII, Section 1, members of the Board shall serve for a period of two years, or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. The Board shall include at least two Governing and two Core Members of the International Association of Movers. All members of the ISA Board of Directors shall be associated with companies who are members in good standing of the International Association of Movers (IAM). The General Counsel and the President of the International Association of Movers shall serve as a non-voting member of the Board.
Recognize Excellence
Induction into the IAM Hall of Honor is the highest distinction awarded by our membership. Nominations for the Hall of Honor may be submitted by any IAM member, client or customer. Nominate someone today online or email HOH@IAMovers.org with questions.
Nominate Today